How to apply for a German student visa?

Germany is one of the most sought-after destinations due to its top-notch education and credentials. Not only do Vietnamese students want to study in Germany, but many students from Europe and other countries also decide to do so.

Before “zero hours”

Appointments at the German Embassy take place between 8:30 and 10:00 am. Always ensure that you arrive early to have sufficient time to prepare and mentally warm up. It is recommended that you arrive 10–15 minutes early.

Please note the following for when security guards check you in and verify your appointment.

In order to create a good impression, dress formally and cleanly.

To prevent errors, make sure to double-check your documents. The Embassy will require some of the following documents for visas to study in Germany:

Visa application form, passport, personal photo

Letter of admission from the university

Certificate of qualifications in German (minimum B1) or English

Form of enrollment in a German language course in Germany and payment confirmation (If it is necessary to study a German language course before admission)

Financial evidence or a financial guarantee letter if you have relatives in Germany. Evidence of creating an 8,040 Euro account with a German bank

An overview of your educational and employment journey starting with high school graduation

Note: To prevent inconveniencing the interviewer, you should prepare your documents according to the checklist provided by the Embassy.

Visa application fee: 75 Euro (to be paid in VND)

At the Embassy

Common interview questions

1. Yourself

– Wie heißen Sie? (What’s your name?)

– Wie alt sind Sie? (How old are you?)

– Wo wohnen Sie? (Where do you live?)

– Wo ist Ihre Hochschule / Schule? (Which school do you attend?)

– Was haben Sie an der Universität studiert? (What do you study at school?)

– Wo/Wie lange haben Sie Deutsch gelernt? (Where and how long did you learn German?)

2. Your study in Germany

– Was möchten Sie in Deutschland studieren? (What do you plan to study in Germany?)

– Warum möchten Sie in Deutchland Studieren? (Why do you want to study in Germany?)

– Wie lange / Wo werden Sie in Deutschland studieren? (Where will you study in Germany and for how long?)

– Haben Sie die Absicht, in Deutschland zu bleiben? (Are you planning to stay in Germany?)

– Haben Sie die Verwandschaft/Verwanste/Bekannte in Deutschland? (Do you have relatives in Germany?)

– Was werden Sie machen , wenn Ihr Studienprogramm in Deutschland endet? (What will you do when your program ends?)


You will receive a temporary student visa, valid for three months, from the German Embassy. You will finish the visa extension process at the Department of Foreigners where you will stay after arriving in Germany. A visa extension must be requested within three months of your arrival in Germany. The German Foreign Service will offer you a 6-month, 1-year, or 2-year visa depending on your study plan and state policy.

ISA has just shared with you the steps to successfully applying for a German student visa. If you have any questions or problems, please give us a call right away for assistance!