General information of KPU
- Location (city/country): Metro Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Number of students: 20,000
- Number of international students: 6,000
- Tuition Fees: $732.53 per credit/Tuition average: $17,600 (for full-time international students)
Key selling points of KPU
- KPU is the Canadian’s only Polytechnic University
- Located in Vancouver, #1 in Canada for QUALITY OF LIVING by Mercer Quality of Living Rankings, 2019
- Ranked among top Canadian Institutions by the National Survey of Student Engagement in Maclean’s Magazine.
- 95% employment rate for KPU degree graduates in the workforce
- 80% of employers say co-op and internship students are a source of new talent and potential future employees
- Unique programs (includes work experience terms, practicums, or Co-op programs)
Strong programs/courses/majors of KPU
- #1 Fashion design and technology, fashion marketing, technical apparel design, and product design, the Wilson School was also named the best overall in Canada. (The Business Fashion Magazine)
- Melville School of Business is one of Western Canada’s largest undergraduate business schools and only a few in British Columbia evaluated globally by the prestigious Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
- Canada’s only Graphic Design for Marketing program
- Fashion and technology and Product design degrees are unique to Western Canada
- The Bachelor of Fashion and Technology and Bachelor of Product design degrees are unique to Western Canada.
Scholarship opportunities for Vietnamese students
- The International Financial Awards range from $1,000 – $4,000
- The Major Entrance Scholarships: for Fall 2022 and Spring 2023, there are six $20,000 scholarships and eighteen $5,000 scholarships available.
Kwantlen Student Association (KSA) and Sport & Recreation
- 36 active clubs and volunteers.
- Sports leagues: soccer, basketball, volleyball, badminton, and fitness classes